Kyusyu [Sightseeing in Wakayama] A trip from Koyasan to Kumano Hongu Taisha by Koyasan & Kumano Access Bus – Part 1 Koyasan, the head temple of Shingo Esoteric Buddhism, and Kumano Sanzan (the three grand shrines of Kumano) where the gods of nature reside, are two major sanctuaries that have long been worshiped by people. The two sacred places are conveniently connected by the World Heritage Sites Connecting Bus “Koyasan & Kumano Access Bus”, which makes a pilgrimage tour possible in just one day. I took a ride on the bus not long ago, let me share with you my itinerary, the surroundings of Kumano Hongu Taisha, and the bus itself in […] Culture Destination Entertainment August 01, 2022