Please enter your information.
Narita Airport Mt. Fuji Fuji Five Lakes Liner
Bookable Days of Operation
1/14/2025 ~ 2/12/2025
There are no available bus service for the date(s) you have selected. Please choose another date and try again.
Please select the date and time you wish to travel.
Please enter passenger's information.
Name(Representative name)
(Alphabet only, can not use ",")
(Alphabet only, can not use ",")
Country / City

Phone Number

(Numbers only, can not use "-" or "+") do not enter country code.
(Numbers only, can not use "-" or "+") do not enter country code.
Please provide your phone number/emergency contact we can reach you at while you are in Japan, preferably a cell phone number.
Please provide your phone number/emergency contact we can reach you at while you are in Japan, preferably a cell phone number.
E-mail Address
E-mail Address (Confirmation)
Japan Bus Online will send you a message with a verification code and an e-ticket to the e-mail address you have entered above once the payment is successfully completed. We may use your email address to communicate with you if there are any changes to your reservation due to adverse weather conditions, force majeure and act of God.
Japan Bus Online will send you a message with a verification code and an e-ticket to the e-mail address you have entered above once the payment is successfully completed. We may use your email address to communicate with you if there are any changes to your reservation due to adverse weather conditions, force majeure and act of God.
If you have any of the following characters, you will not receive an email.
If you have a "." at the beginning of your email address, a "." before "@", or have two "." next to each other, there is a possibility that you won't receive an email.

Important notice regarding this route.
・Each Passenger is allowed to put one suitcase in the trunk. If you have multiple pieces of luggage, please use a courier service. 
・We are not liable for lost, stolen or damaged luggage unless "Keiseibus" is at fault. 
・Carton boxes cannot be stored in the bus nor in the trunk compartment. Please arrange a shipping company to transport any carton boxes to your destination.
・ Please inquire of the bus company about bus services.
・Please note that a passenger with Physical Disability Certificates issued only in Japan is eligiable for a discount on fares. 
Contact information

Keisei Bus Chiba service office. TEL:+ 81 (0)43-433-3800 

Fujikyu Call Center, Tel: + 81 (0)555-73-8181, +81 (0)570-0229-56, Business hours: 7:30AM8:00 PM JST

Please make an inquiry to, customer support center, KOBO Co., Ltd relating to reservations and payment of tickets.

*We will not accept any inquiries directly regarding any particular bus operations and services since KOBO Co.,ltd. only operates the website for Japan Bus Online, and not the actual bus services. Please contact the operating bus company directly for information regarding bus operations( service status, locations of ticket window, boarding locations, loss of your ticket, lost and found and luggage.)
Important notice from operating bus company

・The required time of the bus is just an estimate time. It may be late due to traffic conditions, so please give yourself enough time to take buses. 

・A big luggage which cannot be taken into the bus may be stored in the trunk room under the bus.  One piece of luggage per passenger can be kept in the trunk room . 

January 2025