Phone Number
・ You are allowed carry-on luggage that complies with following size limitations, plus your personal belonging.The total combined weight limit is 10 kg , sum of the 3 dimensions (length+breadth+height) must not exceed 100 centimeters.The limitation of the capacity must be less than 0.027㎥.
・ We ask for your cooperation in keeping your luggage to a minimum due to the limits of the storage.
・ We are not liable for any loss or damage to your luggage.
・ Smoking on buses is strictly prohibited.
Tokushima Bus, 088-622-1826(8:00~19:00)
Nankai Bus, 06-6643-1007(9:00~20:00)
Hanshin Bus, 06-6411-4111(9:00~18:00)
Hankyu Bus, 06-6866-3147(8:00~19:00)
* Supported in Japanese only.
Please make an inquiry to, customer support center, KOBO Co., Ltd relating to reservations, refund and payment of tickets.
・The bus will leave on time, and the bus company does not wait for late passengers.
Please give yourself plenty of time to get to your destination.
・Please present the printed copy of your E-ticket or present the E-ticket on your mobile/smart phone prior to departure.
・Please note that you may have to repurchase the ticket if you do not present the ticket when asked.
・Cancellations can be made via the“ Manage my Booking” section of Japan Bus Online website by yourself until the cancellation deadline indicated on the reservation details. Note that a cancellation fee will be charged after the payment is completed.
・Due to road condition and any circumstances beyond our control, departure or arrival time may change. We accept no responsibility for any extra overnights or taxi fares caused by any delays due to Acts of God, delayed departure or arrivals, bad road or weather conditions, any circumstances beyond our control.